The message was short, a single phrase: 

"Come to the room at the hotel you selected at 21 hours. Don't be late."

I know what I want, I know what I selected. The chance for an evening unlike anything else. I know what I want... I kept on saying that... I know what I want...

As I arrive in the hotel, I make sure my suit is perfectly fitted. The tie in the right place, the cufflinks locked, and the shoes polished. The walk though the lobby is fast, my heart beating hard in my chest. The elevator takes me to the penthouse. The hall is lit and my steps are easy as I approach the door. I can hear the music. A familiar smell assault my senses. My heart beat raises. I knock on the door.

A black feminine hand appears as the door is opened. Inside, candles, music, and that familiar smell. My senses go into overdrive, as another feminine figure looks at me with piercing blue eyes. My soul is captured at that moment. She begins to open a bottle, just as the second woman closes the door. There is no way back. I don't want a way back. I know what I want... She opens the bottle...

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After she drinks, she handles me a cup. The bubbles playing in the air.

I see them both now, together.

I thought I knew what I wanted... But I'm in a different world now... 
Their world. As we sit in a large sofa, that familiar smell, those soul piercing eyes, the perfect faces, and their soft, black hands give me what I want.

Until all else disappears....